LIVEPRO Powerbands

  • Sale
  • €15,00
  • Regular price €33,99
  • 4 available
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These Powerbands are an excellent way to add resistance to your workout, regardless if you are using weights or bodyweight. The bands add an extra dimension of intensity to both sports and functional training, and can be used as a stand alone piece of equipment or in tandem with other pieces. 


  • 5 different strengths, colour-coded
  • Material: latex
  • Regardless of resistance level, all bands are 105cm long
  • Width and height vary depending on resistance:


Colour: Purple

Resistance level: 15 - 35lbs



Colour: Green

Resistance Level: 25 - 65lbs


Colour: Blue

Resistance Level: 35 - 85lbs



Colour: Red

Resistance Level: 50 - 125lbs


Extra Heavy

Colour: Black

Resistance Level: 65 - 170lbs